Surrendering their lives to show that Jesus Christ can satisfy their heart’s deepest needs, eight Brothers professed their vows this July in two separate, joyous celebrations.
On Saturday, July 2nd, Br. Brandt Haglund and Br. Matthew Warnez consecrated their lives to the Lord by professing their perpetual vows at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Three weeks later, the following six men professed their temporary vows, including two entering first vows, during Mass celebrated at St. Basil’s in Methuen, Massachusetts:
The actions of all these Brothers bears witness to our motto: “Primum Deus. Deus Solum.” God First. God Alone.
Lest you think five years of wearing gray shirts, black pants and our anchor emblem has made them uninteresting men...
Br. Matthew’s proficiency with writing should come as no surprise. Before joining the Brotherhood he was an editor for Wikipedia. Since then he has published several academic papers during his Masters studies. Currently he is pursuing a PhD in moral theology from Oxford University while also serving as the Director of our mission at the University of Minnesota. Br. Matthew and two other Brothers are Eagle Scouts. Closing fun facts: he enjoys bike riding and reading poetry - though not at the same time!
Br. Brandt has a wide-ranging background. Before joining our Brotherhood he traveled to about 14 countries and to all 50 states, served as an intern for a U.S. Senator and a legislator in Northern Ireland. For spohe did wrestling (he wrestled the U.S. competitor in the Beijing Olympics many times), cross country, fencing, and biking – having ridden 600 miles of the East Coast and 1,100 miles of the West Coast. For hobbies he enjoys gardening, ornithology, hiking and reading history. Closing fun facts: he has Rosa Parks’ autograph, and he’s also flown an airplane – solo!