More than 70 students, alumni and staff from the Catholic Center (CC) of Northeastern University and Surrounding Schools expressed their love for Christ publicly during an outdoor Eucharistic Procession this year. Fr. Paul Helfrich, CC chaplain (top center), led the candlelight procession throughout the campus as the group prayed and sang worship songs. The procession made several stops along the way, including one beneath the dorm window of a Northeastern student in quarantine for COVID-19. “We brought him Jesus to overcome the loneliness caused by the pandemic,” said Br. Jason Zink, CC’s Director of Campus Ministry. “He is the one, true Light of the world Who combats darkness in our lives.”
Fifteen students, two Brothers and three Saint Paul’s Outreach missionaries from our Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Central Florida (UCF) showed their love for Christ during the National March for Life on January 21st in Washington, D.C. Our group attended morning Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception before participating in the Rally for Life held on the National Mall. Next, they joined tens of thousands of people in the March for Life down Pennsylvania Avenue to the front steps of the Supreme Court. “Growing up in a world where society tells us that our priority should be all about ourselves, it was amazing to see so many willing to sacrifice themselves for the unborn that can’t defend themselves at all,” said Alejandra Rivas, UCF 2024.