I met the Brothers in college from the perspective of a Catholic convert. While the Sacraments were the fundamental forces in my spiritual development, the Brothers walked closely with me and provided sound counsel, joyful fellowship, and a sincere and humble example of how to love the Lord and His people. The Brothers' accompaniment further cultivated my spiritual growth to complement the Sacraments. My life really changed during my time at college, and the Brothers are the primary people to thank for that.
-Zeke Taylor
(Florida State University alumnus)
As parents we know that the care and guidance the Brotherhood of Hope provides is outstanding – we have experienced this through our daughter’s eyes. If [the Brotherhood] had not been there for her on this secular campus, it would have dramatically changed her college experience. We are forever grateful to the Brotherhood.
-Connie & Doug Sterbenz
(Parents of Northeastern University alumna)
These are some of the most joyful and faith-filled men I have ever met, and this is why so many people (young and old) delight in their ministry and presence. The Brothers are responding to the invitation to take up the New Evangelization called for by our Church (and Jesus Christ) today. Even as I minister with them in the dioceses, I have much to learn from their charism and their way of life.
-Most Reverend William A. Wack, C.S.C.
(Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee)
Without the Brotherhood of Hope, I'm not sure if I would be Catholic today. As a young non-Catholic college student, I had many questions, doubts, and objections about Catholicism. But one of the Brothers took me under his wing, met with me, mentored me, prayed with me, witnessed to me, and led me ultimately into the joyful arms of the Church. I can testify personally to the Brothers' important and life-changing work on college campuses. Hope is not just a charism of the Brotherhood, but one of its most obvious and enduring fruits. In dark times, the Brothers are a beacon of light.
-Brandon Vogt (Best-selling author and Senior Content Director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries)
They turned me into a woman of God in just a matter of months after being raised with zero faith life... Their example encouraged me to start a family ministry at my parish trying to use some of the same approaches as the Brotherhood of Hope. In many ways you can say that the Brotherhood of Hope is now touching the lives of parishioners in Southeastern PA; the ultimate evangelization success!
-Caitlin Fanelli (Boston University alumna)
My experience with the Brotherhood has been overwhelmingly positive from the day that I walked into the Rutgers Catholic Center... [The Brothers have] helped me on my journey to become a Christian man... I couldn't be any more thankful for them.
-Meliton Rulloda (Rutgers University, class of 2022)
Hands down this outreach is the most memorable and most influential.
-Liz Oros (Florida State University alumna, financial advisor)
Clearly these Brothers are among the finest men that I have had the privilege to know. Their impact on my life is both personal and profound. Over time I have seen them dynamically share the love of Christ with thousands of people, spreading the gospel in a world desperately in need of God’s presence.
-Mike Yacone (Rutgers University alumnus)
"I had a lot of misconceptions of what religious life was. I think what enabled [my heart] to be opened was [the Brothers'] witness. They were just amazing men, and I think all the students that have been ministered by them would agree that they are just very authentic and really living in the heart of the church. And it was their witness that really opened my heart to the possibility that religious life could be for me."
- Sr. Therese Marie (Florida State University alumna)
Watch Sister Therese Marie's, T.O.R. full vocation testimony
In the truest sense of the phrase, I am eternally grateful for the Brotherhood of Hope. They introduced me to the love of Christ, and without them, I might not even call myself Catholic. Now, I am a priest and serve as chaplain for the University of Central Florida, once again with the Brothers. I am so blessed to be able to continue my journey to the Lord with them, work in ministry with them, and go fishing with them. Thank you, Brotherhood of Hope, for changing my life and continuing to be there in my life as we seek the Kingdom!- Fr. Josh Swallows (FSU alumnus; priest in the Diocese of Orlando; UCF Chaplain)
I know that I owe my life and my “yes” to the Brotherhood of Hope. I could give Him all of me because I first saw them give all. The Brothers are the living presence in my life of the radical and all sufficient Love of God. When I see what God has done in me through them, I say with Jesus, “Father, they are your gift to me.”
- Sr. Gianna Mara Lemire (Missionary Sister of the Family of Jesus the Healer; Florida State University alumna)
The thoughtfulness, resilience, fearlessness and remarkable clarity that [my two sons] developed since they left home and met you Brothers, leaves me humbled…and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had tears in my eyes as I listen to them share their experiences.
- Jean Hines (Mother of two sons in our outreach)
My relationship with the Brotherhood spans four decades. Through my college roommate, Br. Ken Apuzzo, I met the Brothers in 1980 and became an associate in 1981. Although the Lord called me to married life, the time with the Brothers helped me grow as a Catholic man. My wife Christina and I worked with the Brothers in the late 1980s to form University Christian Outreach (UCO) at Rutgers. Last year our son Br. Martin professed first vows with the Brothers. We couldn’t be happier.
-Marty Buganski (Parent of Br. Martin & Senior Coordinator of the People of Hope)
Your campus outreach changed my daughter's life and gave her the faith and strength it takes to navigate life's challenges.
-Maureen Dinota Evans (Mother of an FSU alumna)
It has been one of the great joys of my life in evangelistic work on college campuses to have the opportunity to partner with the Brothers. The Brothers are one of the new movements inspired by the Holy Spirit for this day and truly a sign of ‘hope’ in the Church today.
-Gordy DeMarais (Former President & Founder, Saint Paul's Outreach)
As a rabbi working with Jewish students at Rutgers, one of the favorite parts of my job is working with the Brothers at the Catholic Center. We have developed deep friendships, prayed together, and honored each other’s traditions through celebrations, study and greeting cards. I cherish the relationships I have built with the Brothers and that we have been able to build among our students.
- Rabbi Esther Reed (Senior Associate Director, Rutgers Hillel)
As a Catholic man, I am inspired by each Brother’s love for the Lord, His children and one another.
-RJ Dourney (Member of the Brotherhood's Hope Expansion Council)